Is hot-desking right for your workplace
What is Hot Desking and why is it a growing trend in many workspaces worldwide? Hot desking is a flexible workplace strategy, where employees do not have assigned seats and choose where they sit on a first-come first-serve basis.Few years back,
Desk Hoteling? What’s It All About
Desk Hoteling? What is it? While the pandemic continues, more countries and companies are coming to grips with not only how to handle it, but also how to ensure business continuity within it. We’ve written numerous articles on the remote work
Guide to New Workplace Lingo
Your Modern Workplace Lingo Guide: Hoteling. Hot Desking. Flexible Working Workplace, office, meeting rooms, and so on. These were once the more dominant words associated with the day to day work grind. It used to dominate what we at Roomzilla would
Space management – one more on the list of “must haves”
All throughout the pandemic and even now, we've heard about tools such as video conferencing and how they were now more than ever before critical for the remote based work environment and how their usage increased as well as new
Hot Desks – Social Distancing Socializing
Hot desks and the idea of hot desking has been around for a while now. Not everybody knows that the concept itself came to life in the 80’s when some companies working in ‘shift modes’ realized their desks are rarely
Hot Desk – Pros and Cons
Hot desking or “hot desk” is not a new invention at all. This concept firstly appeared in the 1980s and, as usual, was a response to a specific need. It was noted that companies employing shifts do not use all