Roomzilla | Smart workplace management system


Ensuring workspace safety during Covid-19 outbreak


While all we really want is to slip back into our old reality, times really have changed and the “Office” may never be what it once was especially with Social Distancing, masks and other rules being brought in to protect us. While you can provide our tenants with the right tools, having the right technologies and organisation in places really can help keep people safe as well as build a strong community. The team at Roomzilla have been working hard over the past 12 months to adapt their product to these new times, not only can it organize all of your Office Resources in one place but it also has a host of features aimed at reducing the spread within your space.


We have all had it drilled into us on the many ways this bug can spread from person to person and touch is a big reason why viruses spread easily within the office environment, which is why we have been socially distancing, wearing masks and avoiding human contact 🙁 but there are so many different ways to pass on a bug to other members. While technology can’t completely get rid of all the risk, taking the right actions at the right times with the right systems can certainly make that difference.


With that in mind I really wanted to take a deeper look at what features Roomzilla has produced to assist


Lock Time After Reservation

While we all know to keep a safe distance this isn’t always possible within your space. One big issue identified is what happens after meetings end. Do you really want a full conference room emptying out with another team waiting to enter? Not only does this mean everyone is in close proximity but you also miss out on being able to clean/vent the room. With the lock time feature you can simply give your resources a limited amount of time after each booking to allow the A/C to circulate and a chance for someone to give the room a quick wipedown. 


Contactless Check In

The ability to check in for reservations is vital when trying to maintain an efficient autonomous workspace and with all the new rules coming out there needs to be a middle ground allowing users to check in but also reducing how many things they are interacting with. With this is mind Roomzilla has produced two new ways to check in to your reservation.

  • QR Codes: THis innovative way to check in is quick, simple and can still be done from their Roomzilla Room Display
  • Email Check in: A quick and easy way to check in for your meeting from the comfort of your own desk. 


Office Maps

Visualize your space with Roomzilla and help keep your team safe and well. With Office maps users are able to find out precisely where a resource is within your space. Allowing users to go directly from their desk to resources. Not only this but their recent update included non-bookable resources helping you further map out your space. Let tenants know where to find emergency exits, sanitation stations, Staircases as well an open invitation to add any type for you. A fantastic way to help other navigate your space safely


While proactively acting to prevent problems in your workspace is vital, looking back can also provide you with a wealth of knowledge on how your space is being utilised. With Heat Maps for instance you can easily see your most active times of the week, this means you can take actions to reduce how many tenants are in your office at peak times or simply make sure you have people available then for clean downs.

Not only can insights be used for this but what about if you do have a case of Covid within your space. How would you currently go about investigating who they have had meetings with and who used resources directly after them?  



With many huge companies such as Apple operating with A/B teams Roomzilla included the option to do just that. Split your users into separate teams allowing them to only book on certain days. While we all want to avoid anybody getting sick with A/B you can at least limit the spread from team to team. 


While these are just a few of the features aimed at helping there are also many others that can be used. I’d recommend reaching out to them to enquire what Roomzilla can do for your space. 

The Touch Test

Have you ever been for a walk around your space observing the amount of times you have to physically touch or interact with something? This new initiative is helping many spaces identify how viruses can be spread through the office space. While it can be trivial in some cases it has already helped identify many changes that can be made. 

For Example.

Where we work if I have to make a Coffee there are precisely 6 different touch points on my journey. Office Door, Kitchen cupboard, Coffee Machine, Sugar and cutlery draw. With this in mind as a building manager questions can be asked on how to reduce this. 

  1. Could I have touchless handles? E.g. Foot Pull handle.
  2. Why are mugs inside a closed cupboard?
  3. Antibacterial Screen Protectors
  4. Sachet Sugar/dispenser
  5. Counter top

This does not include what you do after finishing your drink in terms of returning the Mug, washing and of course a short kitchen catch up. While this is a more trivial approach to the touch test I think we can all appreciate the simplicity of it and the effect that it can have on a healthy workspace.


Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and we hope you take something from it.