Is hot-desking right for your workplace
What is Hot Desking and why is it a growing trend in many workspaces worldwide? Hot desking is a flexible workplace strategy, where employees do not have assigned seats and choose where they sit on a first-come first-serve basis.Few years back,
How to improve your office experience
Over time, companies have learned that employees don’t only need to fit the organization, but the organization needs to fit the employees. Building up an office that gives your employees a positive office experience, encourages them to be innovative, loyal, and
Ensuring workspace safety during Covid-19 outbreak
Introduction While all we really want is to slip back into our old reality, times really have changed and the “Office” may never be what it once was especially with Social Distancing, masks and other rules being brought in to protect
New world and new features wanted – changes in Resource Reservations Systems industry
If you’re interested in how the industry of Resource Reservation Systems has changed in the past year andwhat are the most wanted features and how they can change your office life how did the demand inquiries change how related
Desk Hoteling? What’s It All About
Desk Hoteling? What is it? While the pandemic continues, more countries and companies are coming to grips with not only how to handle it, but also how to ensure business continuity within it. We’ve written numerous articles on the remote work
Still Need A Workplace Management System? Even More Than Before.
Workplace Management? Yes Please.A few years ago, we wrote about how to determine whether or not you needed a conference room booking system. Those was simpler times in our industry and the trip down memory lane reminds us of how
Guide to New Workplace Lingo
Your Modern Workplace Lingo Guide: Hoteling. Hot Desking. Flexible Working Workplace, office, meeting rooms, and so on. These were once the more dominant words associated with the day to day work grind. It used to dominate what we at Roomzilla would
Hot Desking vs Desk Sharing
According to our recent research approx. 50% of organizations desks are being left unused - in other words that’s the occupancy rate of merely 50%. Are organizations today able to finance so much unused space? Companies are increasingly considering the
Sales Approach – New Way Forward
New More Personal Sales Approach While the COVID-19 started to play a bigger role in our daily life, the way companies buy from and sell to each other looks very different than it used to. Unfortunately, no one had a chance to
No More (Just) Conference Room Booking
Don’t let the title fool you, Roomzilla is not calling it a day, but to call our platform just a conference room booking system, would be mislabelling not just the company but the industry as a whole. It was one