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6 Ways to Make Your Office More Prosperous for Chinese New Year

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Each year Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year, falls between late January and February. Similar to our new years resolutions, Chinese New Year has it’s own traditions and superstitions. Here are 6 simple ways to improve your work luck and feng shui with a more prosperous office for this Year of the Horse!

1. Make sure there is a clear path through the front door

Clutter in general is believed to block Qi, or energy, but this is especially important around the entryway. Be sure your office door is clear of boxes or any other items in transit that might have claimed a temporary home in your space.

2. Add some live plants

Living plants help release positive energy into a space. Good old favorites like lucky bamboo sticks or a jade plant are easy to care for, but even fresh cut flowers will do the trick!

3. Let in the light

Your new plant will likely want some sunshine – plus it’s good for you too. Make sure you have lots of bright light in your office. Even if it’s cloudy out, turn on some energetic office lights to brighten up your space.

4. Don’t wait until spring – squeeze in some office cleaning now before the New Year

It is bad luck to clean on Chinese New Year Day, so make sure you have a tidy office before Friday! If you were to clean on Friday, it is believed you would be sweeping the good luck right out the front door.

5. Decorate with some red

Red is the color of good luck, so decorate your office with some red items. Gold works too! You can also print this upside-down ‘Fu’ which means good luck and is often hung upside-down for the new year.

6. Team lunch on Thursday

Traditionally Chinese families have a large family dinner on Chinese New Year Eve. Instead, why not grab your team and have your own work version by getting everyone together for lunch on Thursday!


Find 5 minutes to do some of these things, and you will bring your office some good luck and prosperity for the new year!

Curious about how Roomzilla might be able to improve your office space? Feel free to checkout how our meeting room manager works and how its simplicity could help you be more productive this year!

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