How to Log in (sign in) to Roomzilla

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How to log in to Roomzilla

Learn how to log in to your Roomzilla user account here.

Our platform is web-based, so you can access it via any web browser (e.g., Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.). When accessing Roomzilla on a smartphone, it will automatically display the Mobile version.

If you don’t yet have a Roomzilla user account, check out our article on how to access Roomzilla.




1. Open your preferred web browser and enter your organization’s Roomzilla page URL [1]. If you don’t remember the link, search your inbox for ‘Roomzilla’ or ‘Roomzilla invitation.’ The invitation link will look similar to the example below [1].

2. Provide your email and password [2] or use external provider to authenticate, such as Google [3] or Microsoft [4]. If you do not recall your password, use the “Forgot password?” option [5] to request a reset link.

3. Done, you’re in! You can now make reservations. If you would like to access another Roomzilla page you are a member off, please head to the “Other sites” tab.
















Check out our articles about schedule and making reservations!