デスク・ホテリング? そのすべてとは?
Desk Hoteling? What is it? While the pandemic continues, more countries and companies are coming to grips with not only how to handle it, but also how to ensure business continuity within it. We’ve written numerous articles on the remote work
Workplace Management? Yes Please.A few years ago, we wrote about how to determine whether or not you needed a conference room booking system. Those was simpler times in our industry and the trip down memory lane reminds us of how
Guide to New Workplace Lingo
Your Modern Workplace Lingo Guide: Hoteling. Hot Desking. Flexible Working Workplace, office, meeting rooms, and so on. These were once the more dominant words associated with the day to day work grind. It used to dominate what we at Roomzilla would
セールス・アプローチ - 新たな前進
New More Personal Sales Approach While the COVID-19 started to play a bigger role in our daily life, the way companies buy from and sell to each other looks very different than it used to. Unfortunately, no one had a chance to
It’s been almost 10 years since Roomzilla initiated its first conference room booking system aiming at solving Cambridge Innovation Center’s challenges with its growing needs for common spaces usage within its locations. Originally designed as a simple desktop system to
スペース・マネジメント - "マスト・アイテム "リストにもうひとつ。
All throughout the pandemic and even now, we've heard about tools such as video conferencing and how they were now more than ever before critical for the remote based work environment and how their usage increased as well as new
新しい標準。ビジネス・アズ・ユージュアル – 次の章
新しい標準。 私たちRoomzillaを含む多くの人々は、世界的なコロナウイルスのパンデミックが、短期、中期、長期的に私たちの経済、社会的相互作用、そして私たちの働き方にどのような影響を与えるのか疑問に思っています。1つ確かなことは、パンデミック後の世界は進んでいるということです
Conference Room Management CAN be Easy
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