デスク・ホテリング? そのすべてとは?
Desk Hoteling? What is it? While the pandemic continues, more countries and companies are coming to grips with not only how to handle it, but also how to ensure business continuity within it. We’ve written numerous articles on the remote work
オフィスに戻る – パンデミックの数か月間の教訓と取り入れられるもの
The recent period between March and May 2020 has already set an unprecedented footprint on the global economy, stress-tested medical care, social interactions and the way we work. The Covid-19 outbreak redefined many taken-for-granted aspects of our lives and basically
新しい標準。ビジネス・アズ・ユージュアル – 次の章
新しい標準。 私たちRoomzillaを含む多くの人々は、世界的なコロナウイルスのパンデミックが、短期、中期、長期的に私たちの経済、社会的相互作用、そして私たちの働き方にどのような影響を与えるのか疑問に思っています。1つ確かなことは、パンデミック後の世界は進んでいるということです
Meetings are an inescapable part of our daily work lives. Before the pandemic, employees spent over 20 hours a week in meetings on average. While the assumption would have been that this trend currently declines; however, with the current video