Repeating Reservations
Repeating Reservations
Learn here how to add or edit a repeating reservation and what recurring patterns are available in Roomzilla.
Please note that due to the organization’s setting this feature may not be available.
Creating a repeating reservation
1. To get things started, check the “Repeat” [1] box from the Reservation form (see our article on creating reservations for more information). The date indicated in parentheses shows how long the series will last according to your organization’s settings.
2. The drop-down list [2] brings up recurring options [A-E].
Note: available options may vary depending on limits set in your organization.
A – Every day – reservation will occur each weekday, including Saturdays and Sundays.
B – Every workday – available days will be listed.
C – Every week – each week on the selected weekday, according to the “Start date” selection.
D, E – Every month – each month on the selected weekday. If a month has more than four weeks, you must decide whether the reservation should be repeated on a specific week number or the month’s first/last selected weekday.
3. After choosing the desired repeat pattern, hit the “Book Now” button.
4. Done! Your reservations will appear on the timeline with the two-arrow icon in the upper right corner [3], indicating that it is an occurrence of a series.
Also, it will be highlighted in color when other users’ reservations are grey. If you hover over the repeating reservation tile, you’ll see its frequency at the bottom.
In your reservations list [4], you can view your scheduled occurrences.
The occurrence of a repeating event should be shorter than 24 hours.
The repeating reservation will continue until the date indicated in parentheses [1]. If you wish to end your repeating reservation earlier, navigate to the date you want the reservation to stop reoccurring (using the calendar in the left panel or the “Your Reservations” list [4] on the right panel of the timeline). Then, select the option “This and following” to remove it.
Roomzilla will allow you to add a series if no more than two-thirds of the desired occurrences overlap with existing bookings.
Overlapping occurrences won’t be created, and the below toast will be displayed in the lower-left corner of your screen. In addition, you will receive an “Occurrences rejected due to overlap” email containing a list of declined days.
Editing a series
If you need to edit a recurring reservation, as a best practice, we recommend deleting the series and adding a new one with the desired parameters.
However, if you wish to edit a repeating reservation, head to the “Schedule” tab and click on the selected reservation tile to bring up the reservation form. The following aspects are worth noting:
- Past occurrences of a series can not be edited.
- Ongoing occurrence of a series:
- The title [F], end date [J] and time [I], and repeating pattern [K] can be updated
- Start date [G] and time [H] can not be edited
- Upon clicking the “Save changes” button, you must decide whether the changes should apply to this occurrence only or to all reservations from this series.
- You can also add more time via the Room Display (this change will only apply to the ongoing reservation).
- Future occurrences of a series:
- The title [F], starting time [H], end date [J] and time [I], and repeating pattern [K] can be updated
- “Start date” [G] can not be edited
- Upon clicking the “Save changes” button, you must decide whether the changes should apply to this occurrence only, this and following, or to all reservations from this series.