Heavy users report
Heavy users report
Roomzilla offers a reporting feature designed to provide insights into the usage of your space.
Here’s how to generate the “Heavy users” report, allowing admin users to compile a summary that aggregates the time of all reservations and the number of auto-canceled reservations per user. You can customize date ranges, resources, days, and hours as needed.
1. Navigate to the “Reports” tab [1] on your Roomzilla page.
2. Click on the “Heavy users” button [2].
3. Adjust the parameters according to your reporting requirements:
- Select a date range for the report [A].
- Specify the hour range and days to be calculated in the “reservations hours in busy hours” column [B].
- Choose the resources you wish to include in the report; uncheck any resources you want to exclude [C].
4. Click the “Apply” button [3].
The results in the table are sorted in descending order based on the values in the “reservations hours in busy hours” column.
You can download the generated report by clicking the “EXPORT TO CSV” button [4].
Below we have listed the column headers and their explanations:
- User Email, User First Name, User Last Name – these fields contain the details of the reservations host;
- Number of Autocancelled – number of reservations terminated due to a lack of check-in; Please note that the duration of auto-canceled reservations (as determined by the “Minutes until canceling non-checked-in reservation” parameter value) is not aggregated in the RESERVATIONS HOURS IN BUSY HOURS or ALL RESERVATION HOURS columns of the report;
- Reservations Hours in Busy Hours – time reserved in the previously specified hour range and days;
- All Reservation Hours – total time reserved within the selected date range, encompassing all reservations made during that period by a particular user.