Reservation Settings

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Reservation Settings

Roomzilla allows you to configure detailed reservation options and create a custom reminder message that will be displayed to users whenever they make a booking.

Log in to your Admin account and head to the “Settings” tab [1], where you will see “Reservation settings” [2] section with the following options:

Check the box [G] if you allow adding recurring reservations or leave it empty if users should only add single bookings.


Reservation Duration Slot [A] defines the length of timeline intervals in the schedule tab. The same value will be assigned as a default duration for local (tablet) and web app reservations.


Limit the maximum number of days users can make reservations in advance [B].

This allows you to avoid having unwanted future bookings on your Roomzilla. It’s set to 180 days by default, and dates falling outside the limit have the timeline greyed out, therefore unavailable to be booked by users.

Please note that if you change this setting, existing reservations that do not meet the new criteria will be automatically removed.


Set maximum duration separately for local reservations made using a tablet display by the room door [C] and for reservations made through the browser app [D].

Please note that the “time limit for WEBAPP reservation” [D] does not apply to admins, for whom reservation duration time is only limited by business days, business hours, and days in advance parameter [B] set for your organization. Check out our article about date & time settings for more information.


Leave an additional message for Users displayed after they create a reservation [E] i.e. “Remember to check-in to your meeting and take all your belongings from the room once it is over.”

This text will be shown to the User in a confirmation dialogue every time a reservation is created:






You can also insert links to emails, websites, or support pages. Simply highlight the text you would like to link, then click on the Link Icon [F] and hit save.


Remember to click the green “SAVE” button to save your changes when you are done.