Date and Time Settings

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Date and Time Settings

Customize the date and time settings of your page to ensure your Resources are available at the right time for your Users to book.

Head to the “Settings” tab [1] and select “Date & Time Settings” [2], where you will see the following options:


Business Hours – set what times you allow your Resources to be booked. Check the “All Day” box [A] for 24-hour availability, or specify the earliest hour to start [B] and latest to end [C] a reservation.

Select the time zone [D] where you set your business hours. Note: Reservations on the timeline are displayed according to the device’s time zone.

Decide what weekdays you want your Resources to be available [E].

Limit the maximum number of days users can make reservations in advance [F].

This allows you to avoid having unwanted future bookings on your Roomzilla. It’s set to 180 days by default, and dates falling outside the limit have the timeline greyed out and are, therefore, unavailable for users to book.

Please note that if you attempt to change this setting, you will be prompted to decide whether existing reservations that do not meet the new criteria should remain in the system or be removed.

The above rules apply to all users, including admins. However, admins can create reservations longer than the “Time limit for WEBAPP reservation” parameter. Check out our article about reservation settings for more information.