
A Simple Guide to Smart Meeting Rooms

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Smart meeting rooms?  When it comes to important matters in the workplace such as brainstorming or clarifying the direction of a particular team, meetings are an essential tool. In fact, recent studies indicate that middle managers spend more than thirty percent of a typical day in meetings. Executives can spend up to twice this amount. For this reason alone, we can appreciate that there will always be a requirement for meetings within any organization but considering their time consuming nature, there should also be every effort to improve this process and use smart products, methods and technology to make smart meeting rooms.

However, while there seems to be countless online resources which outline how to run an effective and productive meeting, there are very few which focus on how to make smart meeting rooms. With this in mind, here six ways in which smart technology can improve the meeting process and the effectiveness:

Six easy steps to make your meeting rooms smart


Invest on a Highly Effective Room Management System

You may be familiar with the expression “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. This is certainly true of a meeting with any sense of importance. Preparation is crucial when it comes to the outcome of a meeting and in this regard. A reliable room management system can remove any risk of unnecessary problems.

While taking this into account, it must be said that one of the main benefits of having an efficient room management system is a great deal of time and effort they can save. Having removed the delays and frustration involved with phone calls or messages, this smart technology is the best way to ensure every meeting gets off to the right start.

Incorporate Amazon Echo or Google Home to Your Meeting Rooms

If leading experts and strategists are to be believed, “voice” is set to take over both the online industry and the world around us. Alexa Skill is undoubtedly the leading innovation in this respect, with Amazon’s artistic creation efficiently acting as a personal assistant.

As for the product itself, Amazon Echo is a smart speaker which is connected and then controlled by human voice. When you incorporate Amazon Echo into a meeting room, it is merely a case of communicated phrases to Alexa, and this highly intelligent device can take care of many of the menial tasks when it comes to meetings. Google Home is an alternative to Amazon Echo; these voice controlled speakers are a very simple way to make your meeting rooms smart.

Implement Meeting Room Scheduling Software

It is not possible to have a productive meeting if all of the meeting rooms are booked. By implementing a meeting room scheduling software, you can avoid conflicts and double booking of meetings. However, this is when scheduling software will assist you in optimizing your meeting rooms. In some cases, there are smaller teams or groups which do not require a lot of space or a projector, but nevertheless, they will still reserve a large meeting room with the best projector. Simply put, this software can stop this from happening by assigning suitable rooms to suit the needs of each meeting.

Invest in a Wireless Presentation Solution

For meeting rooms that rely solely on wires, searching for the right adapter or cable can be very time-consuming. Laptops and computers have several different video outputs and having to identify each of them is also rather frustrating.

This is where a wireless presentation solution is most useful. By removing these wires from your meeting room, presenters and organizers only need to press a button on their laptops to begin a presentation. Naturally, the amount of time it takes to press a button is a lot less than when you have to call someone in the IT department to get started.

Modernize Your Meeting Room with Apple TV (Airplay)

Airplay is a streaming technology developed by Apple more than ten years ago. Acts as an incredible wireless solution which requires only that you place an Apple TV in your meeting room.

Unlike what you might see in a traditional meeting room setup, this impressive feature also allows any Apple device, such as iPhone or iPad, to mirror the entire display without the use of any wires. As you can imagine, this is the perfect way to discuss and deliver presentations in a meeting room. Another excellent benefit is in how it uses a “Conference Display Mode” to set a default screen for every device in the meeting room. Once deployed, this useful mode can then also display a customized welcome message for the attendees when they arrive.

Recognizing the value of smart technology for a smart meeting room

Investing in preparation is an essential reason for the success of most meetings. From meeting room management systems and Alexa Voice, to the other smart technology above which can ensure a hassles free meeting. While it can also be easy to focus on the word content of a meeting. It must also be said that the environment in which a presentation is delivered can be equally as important as to how it may be received.

Either way, as the world becomes increasingly digital, smart tools are increasingly affordable. When we consider the genuine value they offer in return, it makes sense to invest in it.

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